Our passion for styling events and special occasions extends far beyond a bubble. We can offer a unique styling experience, adding a touch of bohemian glamour to any event or special occasion. Whether it’s Coachella in your garden, a luxe boho backdrop for those instagrammable moments, or even if you need a little inspiration just to give your existing decorations that ‘wow’ factor, then we’ve got you covered. Let us help you breathe life into your vision, and make it a reality.

The Boho & Bubbles mindset is that we don’t just focus on the aesthetics, we can put a personal touch on everything, from signs which can be kept as keepsakes to personalised games and challenges for you and your friends to get involved in.

From weddings to corporate events, birthday parties to any kind of special celebration – we’d love to help you add a dash (or a dollop) of boho sparkle to your occasion. We’ll start by arranging a meeting where we can get a feel for your vision and understand your aesthetic preferences, then work with you to create a moodboard to help bring your concept to life!

Feel free to drop us a message if you have any questions!


Our mission is simple, to add a touch of sophisticated and luxurious sparkle to events and parties. Whether it’s in the comfort of your own back garden, or a particular event that requires a touch of magic, we will leave you feeling free from the usual hosting stress and allow you to celebrate your special occasion in true boho & bubbles style!

Our team has a passion for creating beautiful, on-trend spaces that will transform any area or igloo into an instagrammable haven. Whether it’s spending an evening in one of our igloos, a luxury outdoor picnic or something completely bespoke, our eye for detail and creative flair will ensure that your special moment will be truly unforgettable.

We cater for birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, luxury picnics, event styling, weddings, proposals – name the occasion, and we’ll make it special.